Sponsored by Ravens Roost #4 Social Committee
How to play:
Only 10 people play per week and the cost to play is $10.00 per week.
The Winner each week gets $75.00 and the Social Committee gets $25.00
36 Sprint Cup Races are on the schedule which means $900.00 will be raised for the Social Committees future events.
Each week we can have new players so the first to pay are the first to play.
Numbers 0-9 are placed in a hat each week. The day prior to each race a number will be drawn and placed next to the ten people’s names that are playing that week. We will video tape the drawing each week and place it on the Roost #4 webpage or email it to people playing that may not be members.
Whatever number is chosen for your name, that is your last digit car number for the race. So if you get #8, you have ALL CARS that end in #8. If you get #0, you have ALL CARS that end in zero. Very easy to play!
Each week new numbers are drawn. This gives everyone a fair chance to play and possibly win. We have set up a spreadsheet to keep a record of the people participating each week. I will collect money at each meeting going forward for Roost members that are playing and make the pay outs at meetings as well.
If you are planning on playing for multiple weeks in a row that is fine, please just pay for them all at once so I don’t get confused.
This is a fun and easy way to raise some money for a future Roost #4 sponsored event. Maybe a free happy hour at Kelsey’s during a Ravens away game or a chartered bus trip to New York. Something to give back to the Roost members.
Any questions let me know and Good Luck to All…Leslie