The Ravens host the Cleveland Browns TONIGHT (Thursday, September 27th) at 8:20 pm at M&T Bank Stadium. Roost #4 will have a tailgate party before the game in the lot behind ABC Rental … however … we can’t get on the lot until 5:00 pm and there will NOT be a grill available at this tailgate. Please plan accordingly. Go Ravens!!!
Author: Mitch Hooper
Ravens Roost #4 – Time to Renew Membership
Attention all Ravens Roost #4 members! It’s that time of year … membership renewal for FY2013 is due at our meeting this coming Monday, September 24th, 7pm up at Jilly’s! Annual dues are again $50 per year. Please bring cash or a check payable to Ravens Roost #4 to the meeting Monday. If you can’t attend the meeting Monday, please mail your check to: Ravens Roost #4 Inc., PO Box 2212, Ellicott City, MD 21041-2212, Attn: Membership. If you don’t plan on renewing your membership in the club, please notify Mitch Hooper in writing. Contact Mitch if you have any questions.
Roost 4 Golf Team
Against the Grain at Chappies – Saturday, September 15th
Roost #4 member, Tommy McCabe, and Against the Grain will be crankin’-out some good ole fashion rock-and-roll at Chappies Bar & Grille in Arbutus on Saturday night from 9-1. C’mon out to Chappies and get primed for the Ravens game in Philly on Sunday! Chappies is located in the Beltway Motel at 3648 Washington Boulevard.
Ravens Gameday Party at Jilly’s – Sunday, September 16th
The Ravens travel to Philadelphia on Sunday for a 1pm game against the Iggles. C’mon out and join our Roost #4 members and friends up at Jilly’s and help cheer the Ravens on to victory. Roost #4 will be running a 50/50 raffle to benefit Special Olympics Maryland. Rumor has it the Skeeter will sneak behind the bar to get a few R-A-V-E-N-S cheers going. Get to Jilly’s early to ensure you get a seat on the bar side … and remember … Jilly’s is now open for breakfast! Hope to see y’all up there! Go Ravens!!!
Ravens vs. Bengals Monday Night! – Roost #4 Tailgate Notes
O’s are in 1st place and hosting the Yankees all weekend … and the Ravens open their regular season Monday night against the Bengals at M&T Bank Stadium! Life is good! Roost #4 will host our 1st official tailgate party before the 7pm Monday night game. We tailgate on the lot behind the ABC Rental store on the corner of Russell Street and Hamburg Street. The lot opens at 2pm for the 7pm Monday game.  Cost for the lot is still $40 per carload. Our Roost #4 tailgate should be setting-up as soon as the lot opens.  Note: due to the 7pm game time, the fact that the crowd will be big for the 1st game, and the fact that security could be tight getting into the stadium, the tailgate will begin shutdown at 5:30 so we can leave for the stadium around 5:45. As always … Roost #4 will have a grill fired for our members to use … this is BYOB (in YOC … your own cooler) … and we encourage our tailgaters to bring a small dish to share with our gang (SMALL … we throw-away too much food!). Contact Mitch or Frosty if you have any questions. Go Orioles … Go Ravens!!!
Ravens Host Jacksonville Jaguars Tonight at M&T Bank Stadium
The Ravens play host to the Jacksonville Jaguars at 7:30pm tonight at M&T Bank Stadium. Reminder – Roost #4 will NOT have an organized tailgate party for this game … no grill … no RV … if you want to tailgate you’re on your own for this one. Go Ravens!!!
A few other unrelated notes:
… REMINDER – we have a Roost #4 meeting at 7pm this coming Monday, August 27th, up at Jilly’s.
… Road Trippers – road trip items (for our Roost #4 October Road Trip to the Kansas City game) will be distributed at the meeting this coming Monday. If you can’t be there to pick-up your items, please send someone to pick them up for you! Also, the Monday meeting will be your last chance to order the ladies’ purple cowboy hats for the road trip! Estimated cost for the hats is ~ $9. Contact Tom Thompson or see him Monday at the meeting if you’d like to order one.
Roost #4 Adopt-a-Highway Clean-up – Saturday, August 18, 2012
The Roost #4 Road Crew was in action on Frederick Road in Oella on Saturday, August 18th, in support of our Adopt-a-Highway commitment. It took 10 volunteers only 1 hour to clean our stretch of highway this time around. Ten bags of trash were collected … and Denise found a dime! A couple of pictures are attached. Thanks again to our dedicated volunteers!

Ravens Host Detroit Lions Tonight at M&T Bank Stadium
The Ravens play host to the Detroit Lions at 8pm tonight at M&T Bank Stadium! Reminder – Roost #4 will NOT have an organized tailgate for this game … no grill … no RV … if you want to tailgate, you’re on your own for this one! Go Ravens!!!
One other unrelated reminder … our Roost #4 Road Crew is scheduled to clean-up our stretch of Frederick Road in Oella tomorrow morning at 7:30am in conjunction with our Adopt-a-Highway commitment. Thanks in advance to our dedicated volunteers!
Pictures from Roost #4 Summer Picnic on July 28th
Thanks to everyone for coming-out to the 2012 Ravens Roost #4 Summer Picnic on Saturday, July 28th, at the Tiki Hut on Sterner Lagoon in Catonsville! Though the weather was a tad warm the pool and beverages proved refreshing! Congratulations to the Swimming for Shots winners: Bob Caldwell (Senior Division), Kel Habicht (Ladies’ Division), and Scott Habicht (Open Division)! Thanks to everyone for all the great dishes contributed to the picnic (though we need to find a way to downsize … once again we had TOO MUCH FOOOD!) Special thanks again to Russ and Julie for their hospitality! Please enjoy the pictures from the picnic …