
How Do I Add the Ravens Roost #4 Calendar to My Google Calendar

Orioles Game against Indians

I’m trying to get a head count for tickets to the June 27th game against the Indians. Tickets are in section 80 Left Field box at 34.00 per ticket and we get a 5.00 kickback per ticket. How many people are interested in tickets? I need a count by Friday March 6th for a rough idea of tickets to purchase. Money will be due by the April meeting.

Ravens Roost #4 2024 Buzz Suter & Jay “Jaybird” Golibart Memorial Golf Classic

Ravens Roost #4

Buzz Suter &
Jay “Jaybird” Golibart

Memorial Golf Classic

(benefits Ravens Roost #4 charities)

Friday July 12 2024 – 7:30 am Shotgun Start

Oakmont Green Golf Club

(2290 Golfview Lane, Hampstead, MD)

Cost includes

Golf with cart, beverages on the course, coffee w/donuts and bagels before tee off, hot dogs at the turn during play, luncheon and awards after play

Contact Jeff Volmer for information or to register:

(301) 490-7525 (home)

(410) 562-0173 (cell)

… or mail registration form / hole sponsor form and checks to:

Jeff Volmer

9680 Stirling Bridge Rd.

Columbia, MD 21046

Please make all checks payable to: Ravens Roost #4

Ravens Roost #4 2023 Buzz Suter & Jay “Jaybird” Golibart Memorial Golf Classic

Ravens Roost #4

Buzz Suter & Jay “Jaybird” Golibart Memorial Golf Classic

(benefits Ravens Roost #4 charities)

Friday July 28 2023 – 1 PM Shotgun Start

Oakmont Green Golf Club

(2290 Golfview Lane, Hampstead, MD)

Cost per golfer: $100

Cost includes

Golf with cart, beverages on the course, prizes, & steak dinner

Hole Sponsors: $50 per hole or 2 holes for $75

Contact Jeff Volmer for information or to register:

(301) 490-7525 (home)

(410) 562-0173 (cell)

… or mail registration form / hole sponsor form and checks to:

Jeff Volmer

9680 Stirling Bridge Rd.

Columbia, MD 21046

Please make all checks payable to: Ravens Roost #4

Cut-off for registration and hole sponsors is Friday July 14th

Ravens Roost 4 Ravens Watch Party and
Food Drive to benefit the Community
Action Council of Howard County

Sunday September 11, 11:00am – ? @ Kelsey’s Restaurant

Each food or minimum $5 donation gets you a free raffle
ticket for 2 tickets to the Ravens vs Broncos game on Dec 4.
The drawing will be after the 3rd quarter.

Applications will be available for anyone
who would like to join Ravens Roost 4.

Special appearance by Ravens Superfan
Captain DeeFense

Ravens Roost #4 2022 Buzz Suter & Jay “Jaybird” Golibart Memorial Golf Classic

Ravens Roost #4

Buzz Suter & Jay “Jaybird” Golibart Memorial Golf Classic

(benefits Ravens Roost #4 charities)

Friday July 29 2022 – 1 PM Shotgun Start

Oakmont Green Golf Club

(2290 Golfview Lane, Hampstead, MD)

Cost per golfer: $100

Cost includes

Golf with cart, beverages on the course, prizes, & steak dinner

Hole Sponsors: $50 per hole or 2 holes for $75

Contact Jeff Volmer for information or to register:

(301) 490-7525 (home)

(410) 562-0173 (cell)

… or mail registration form / hole sponsor form and checks to:

Jeff Volmer

9680 Stirling Bridge Rd.

Columbia, MD 21046

Please make all checks payable to: Ravens Roost #4

Cut-off for registration and hole sponsors is Friday July 15th

Ravens Roost 4 Jay (Jaybird) Golibart Memorial Carry – Out Crab Feast

Join Ravens Roost 4 in a Memorial Carry – Out Crab Feast in honor of Jay (Jaybird) Golibart

Date: Saturday September 11, 2021
Time: 1:00pm – 3:00pm
Location: FOP Lodge 69
2832 Nine Mile Cir
Catonsville, MD 21228

Please use the following web form to order your food:

Ravens Roost 4 Virtual Food Drive

See attached PDF

Ravens Roost 4 Carry – Out Crab Feast

   Ravens Roost 4      Carry – Out Crab Feast

                                              To Benefit the  Tommy Thompson Scholarship Fund


Crabs steamed on site by Harris Crab House

 Saturday, September 12, 2020         Elks Lodge Parking Lot – 2832 Nine Mile Circle

 Hot Steamed Crabs: Per Dozen $50.00   ½ Bushel – $140.00

Drive-thru Pick Up from 3 – 6pm

Order Form

All orders must be pre-paid by September 5, 2020, using credit card or check.

If paying by check, please make checks payable to Ravens Roost 4

Name ______________________________________________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________________________________________

Phone ___________________________             E-Mail _______________________________________

If paying by credit card, please complete all information below

Credit Card Number ____________________________________ Exp. Date ______________________

Security Code/CVV ____________         Billing Zip code __________________

To place an order:

  1.  Please email Jay Golibart ( with your order and an email confirmation will be sent.
  2. In addition, please mail this completed form, with payment, to:

            Mr. Jay Golibart                  12908 Triadelphia Road                          Ellicott City, MD 21042           

Amount of Crabs:  # of Dozen: ______        # of ½ Bushels:  _______     Amount due: $________                                       

Preferred pick up time:       3-4pm ___          4-5pm ___          5-6pm ____

Have Questions?? Please contact Jay: or call 410-707-1987

Ravens Roost #4 2019 Buzz Suter Memorial Golf Classic

Ravens Roost #4
Buzz Suter Memorial Golf Classic
(benefits Ravens Roost #4 charities)

Friday, June 28 2019 – 9 AM Shotgun Start
Rattlewood Golf Course
13501 Penn Shop Rd Mt Airy Md. 21771

Cost per golfer: $100
Cost includes
Golf with cart, range balls, beverages, & goody bag at Rattlewood … followed by luncheon & awards

Hole Sponsors: $50 per hole or 2 holes for $75

Contact Jeff Volmer for information or to register:
(301) 490-7525 (home)
(410) 562-0173 (cell)

or mail registration form / hole sponsor form and checks to:

Jeff Volmer
9680 Stirling Bridge Dr.
Columbia, Md 21046
Attn: Golf Tourney

Please make all checks payable to: Ravens Roost #4

Cut-off for registration and hole sponsors is Friday, June 21st


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