Roost #4 held their annual bull & oyster roast (a.k.a. Beef, Beer, & Bay Bash) on Saturday, March 23rd, at The Lodge in Catonsville. Nearly 300 people attended and enjoyed the celebration of the Ravens Super Bowl Championship! Congrats to Roost #4 Formula 4 Success Scholarship Award winners - Nicholas Crabill (Glenelg) and Trevon Jacks (Wilde Lake)! Attached are a bunch of photos from the event (thanks to Scott Habicht!) Special thanks to Bull Roast Chairpersons – Kim & Dennis Colhouer, DJ Dean Volmer, Monaghan’s for great food, The Lodge for their hospitality, former Baltimore  Bruce Laird of the 4th & Goal Foundation for joining our celebration, Council of Baltimore Ravens Roosts President – Charlotte Krause – for showing support to our event, and all of the Roost #4 volunteers who helped make the event a huge success!
The Lodge in Catonsville
Checkin’ In …
Awww … shucks!
The Skeeter Seating Chart
Roost #4 raffled-off a Ray Lewis autographed helmet
Monaghan’s dishin’ it out!
The Laydown Wheel
DJ Dean’s view of the action
Hey Scott!
A crowd at the Money Wheel
2’s & 3’s are HOT!
The Music Man
Dean yielding to Frosty
Welcome Council President Charlotte Krause!
Former Baltimore Colt safety, Bruce Laird
Bruce is representing the 4th and Goal Foundation
Roost #4 presented Bruce and his foundation a check for $1300!
Zeke with our Formula 4 Success Scholarship Award winners – Nicholas Crabill (Glenelg) and Trevon Jacks (Wilde Lake)
Betty Golibart with Trevon & Company
Betty with Nick & Company
Congrats Nicholas & Trevon
The Laydown Wheel is busy!
what a festive crowd
Spin that wheel!
more laydowns …
… & more winners!
Kurt hangin’ on
Kel with family & friends
Roosts 4 & 43 with Council Prez Charlotte Krause
… and there’s Char!
brotherly love!?
Dancing with the Starz!
a doorprize winner
what’s a bull roast without a line dance!
steppin’ out!
all together now
nearly 300 Ravens fans celebrating the Ravens Super Bowl XLVII Championship!