Ravens Roost #4 2022 Buzz Suter & Jay “Jaybird” Golibart Memorial Golf Classic

Ravens Roost #4

Buzz Suter & Jay “Jaybird” Golibart Memorial Golf Classic

(benefits Ravens Roost #4 charities)

Friday July 29 2022 – 1 PM Shotgun Start

Oakmont Green Golf Club

(2290 Golfview Lane, Hampstead, MD)

Cost per golfer: $100

Cost includes

Golf with cart, beverages on the course, prizes, & steak dinner

Hole Sponsors: $50 per hole or 2 holes for $75

Contact Jeff Volmer for information or to register:

(301) 490-7525 (home)

(410) 562-0173 (cell)


… or mail registration form / hole sponsor form and checks to:

Jeff Volmer

9680 Stirling Bridge Rd.

Columbia, MD 21046

Please make all checks payable to: Ravens Roost #4

Cut-off for registration and hole sponsors is Friday July 15th